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Godkänd av FKK ID-märkare
Godkänd av FKK ID-märkare
January 27, 2019

Nu kan Kennel Daidai chippa egna som andras hundar. Innan man fick möjlighet att gå ID-märkningskursen som var i Finska Kennelklubbens regi,  måste man ha rekommendation från Finska pudelklubben och Ålands kenneldistrikt samt vara uppfödare och ha gått uppfödarkurs.

Kursen hölls ifjol i januari och sedan skulle man praktisera och chippa minst 10 hundar inom loppet av 1 år och till vår glädje så klarade vi av uppgiften just och jämt. Det föds ju inte så mycket valpar på Åland och alla vill inte låta någon praktisera på sina hundar. Så vi tackar alla ödmjukt som ställt upp med sina valpar som vi fått chippa. 

Hör av dig till oss om du vill ha din valpkull chippad i hemmet, då vi kommer till uppfödaren.

Patellas ok
Patellas ok
January 15. 2019

Daidai Ares patellas are 0/0, so happy about the news, now we can continue training Agility as before. The official result will soon be visible att the Finnish Kennel Club. Ares really loves agility a lot.

I have also signed up for another agility class in the new indoor arena. Hopefully our start routines will be better, also slalom is a thing that is not yet our strongest thing but will hopefully be.

To be continued..

Kennel Daidai - New partner
Kennel Daidai - New partner
May 16, 2018

I am happy to present Lilly Danielsson as a new partner in Kennel Daidai. Lilly is the daughter in the house and share the same interest for poodles. Lilly finished the breeders course in March and she was also there when our first Daidai litter was born.

It will be interesting times ahead to plan and see how we can make this co-operation a successful one for many years to come. 

Warmest welcome to Kennel Daidai Lilly!

New International Beauty Champion C.I.B.
New International Beauty Champion C.I.B.
January 20, 2018

Our second international beauty champion will be FI CH SE CH NO CH NORD CH  Caspian Line's Look At Me "Kajsa". We are so truly happy for Kajsa, that she gets the title already, not even 3 years old. We will say thank you to all judges that have appreciated Kajsa:

Kajsas CACIB's were received: 

- 15.10.2016 Sundsvall, Sweden judge: Wilma Strijbos, Netherlands

- 27.5.2017 Österbybruk, Sweden judge: Jussi Liimatainen, Finland

- 19.8.2017 Lillehammer, Norway judge: Karl-Erik Johansson, Sweden

- 21.1.2018 Turku, Finland judge: Rita Reyniers, Belgium

We now have to wait for the confirmation from FCI in Belgium. It will probably take 4 month or so.

Aromatic Casino Royale C.I.B. title confirmed!
Aromatic Casino Royale C.I.B. title confirmed!
January 17, 2018

C.I.B. FI CH SE CH Aromatic Casino Royale "Karlos" C.I.B international beauty champion title was confirmed before the end of 2017. We are so happy to have our first international champion in the family!

We decided to cut down Karlos so he is retired from rings and we'll see if he makes a return as a veteran later on.

Karlos received his CACIB's

- 20.7.2013 Köping, Sweden judge: Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen, Finland

- 17.1.2016 Turku, Finland judge: Jussi Liimatainen, Finland

- 12.3.2016 Strängnäs, Sweden judge: Svante Frisk, Sweden

- 19.8.2017 Lillehammer, Norway judge: Johansson Karl-Erik, Sweden

It has ellapsed 4 years between the first and last CACIB and Karlos was cut down between, but as they say. "Ever never give up". 

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2018!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2018!
December 17, 2017

It has been a very special year for Kennel Daidai. First of all our "Kajsa" Caspian Line's Look at Me, became Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian and Nordic Champion and it all happened rather quickly. Our "Karlos" Aromatic Casino Royale got his final CACIB and we have applied for his (International title) C.I.B. title. 

But what is more important is that Kajsa got her first babies. Our A-litter (Daidai Apollon and Daidai Ares). Proud father is "Tom", 2 times worldwinner and Swedish and Italian Champion Kudos Firework. 

Pups have been growing and both are looking so promising. It will be exciting to see what become of them.

Last but not least a very Merry Christmas & a very Happy New Poodle Year 2018!

Kennel Daidai's  first litter is registered!
Kennel Daidai's first litter is registered!
November 15, 2017

We are so happy to finally have achieved our goal to be a real kennel. Our first litter is registered in the Finnish Kennel Club, which feels absolutely amazing. Daidai Apollon and Daidai Ares are our first boys to be registered there and we hope naturally that this is only the beginning.

We bought our first miniature poodle 2010 and now 7 years later we have our first puppies. It has been a long road, but it has been worth it all the way and so much we have learned also.

New Nordic Beauty Champion!
New Nordic Beauty Champion!
September 7, 2017

Caspian Line's Look at Me "Kajsa" got her Nordic Beauty Champion diploma the other day. That means that she is show champion in 3 different Nordic countries. In her case Sweden, Finland and Norway. In our poodle pack she is our first Norwegian champion and our second Nordic Beauty Champion. 

We are very proud over her achievements only a bit over 2 years old.

- Swedish champion 28 May 2017 (CAC, 15.10.2016 Sundsvall, 27.5.2017 Gimo, 28.5.2017 Uppsala)

- Finnish champion 6 June 2017 ( CAC, 18.6.2016 Raisio)

- Norwegian champion 11 September 2017 (CAC 19.8.2017 Lillehammer)

New international champion C.I.B.
New international champion C.I.B.
August 18, 2017

Our first international champion will be FI CH and SE CH Aromatic Casino Royale. We are so truly happy for Karlos achievement. The last CACIB was taken at Lillehammer int. Dog Show and judge Karl-Erik Johansson, Sweden.

Karlos CACIB's

- 20.7.2013 Köping, Sweden judge: Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen, Finland

- 17.1.2016 Turku, Finland judge: Jussi Liimatainen, Finland

- 12.3.2016 Strängnäs, Sweden judge: Svante Frisk, Sweden

- 19.8.2017 Lillehammer, Norway judge: Johansson Karl-Erik, Sweden

It has ellapsed 4 years between the first and last CACIB and Karlos was cut down between, but as they say. "Ever never give up" Now we are awaiting the confirmation and diploma from FCI, it will probably take some month.

New Champion!
New Champion!
May 27, 2017

What a great weekend Kajsa and I had in Sweden. It was summer heat and we were certainly in the heat as well. Kajsa took two Best of Sex (BOS) two days in a row. Because of this she also finished her Swedish and Finnish champion titles only 1 week after her 2 year birthday. The 3d CAC she got in Sundsvall in the autumn. 

All of a sudden everything happens so fast, I am still a bit in chock...

Happy Birthday Kajsa!
Happy Birthday Kajsa!
May 17, 2017

Our beautiful Caspian Line's Look at Me or Kajsa as we call her at home, is celebrating her 2 year birthday today. We are so happy for our little one. Kajsa came to us from Natascha Kolbe and Caspian Line's kennel in Germany and totally stole our hearts away. 

Kajsa loves a lot of activity since she is a very active dog, so we train a lot of agility with her as well as obedience. She is a very quick learner.


Have a lovely day Kajsa!

Picture by: Natascha Kolbe, Germany

Avelsriktlinjerna för pudel nu även på svenska!
Avelsriktlinjerna för pudel nu även på svenska!
March 21, 2017

Är otroligt glad för att Finska pudelklubben nu har lagt upp avelsriktlinjerna för pudel på svenska på Finska pudelklubbens hemsidor. Avelsriktlinjerna skall vara till stöd för uppfödaren så man vet vilka rekommendationer som gäller, det kan avvika lite från Finska Kennelklubbens som mera har övergripande riktlinjer och gäller alla raser. Dessa riktlinjer är mera specifika och inriktade på just pudel. Klicka nedan för att komma till avelsriktlinjerna.

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